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Sui Keytool CLI

Sui CLI的keytool命令提供了多个命令级别的访问,用于管理和生成地址,以及处理私钥、签名或zkLogin。例如,用户可以使用 sui keytool import [...] 命令从Sui钱包导出私钥,并将其导入到本地Sui CLI钱包。

验证 Sui CLI 的安装

在使用 Sui CLI 前,您需要先进行安装。要验证您的系统是否已安装 CLI,可以打开终端或控制台,输入下列命令:

sui --version

如果终端或控制台显示了版本号,说明您的系统已安装 Sui CLI。

如果出现“命令未找到”的提示,请根据 Sui 安装指南 的指导在您的系统中安装 Sui CLI。


Usage: sui keytool [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

convert Convert private key from wallet format (hex of 32 byte private key) to sui.keystore format (base64 of 33 byte flag || private key) or
vice versa
decode-tx-bytes Given a Base64 encoded transaction bytes, decode its components
decode-multi-sig Given a Base64 encoded MultiSig signature, decode its components. If tx_bytes is passed in, verify the multisig
generate Generate a new keypair with key scheme flag {ed25519 | secp256k1 | secp256r1} with optional derivation path, default to
m/44'/784'/0'/0'/0' for ed25519 or m/54'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256k1 or m/74'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256r1. Word length can be { word12 |
word15 | word18 | word21 | word24} default to word12 if not specified
import Add a new key to sui.keystore using either the input mnemonic phrase or a private key (from the Wallet), the key scheme flag {ed25519 |
secp256k1 | secp256r1} and an optional derivation path, default to m/44'/784'/0'/0'/0' for ed25519 or m/54'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256k1
or m/74'/784'/0'/0/0 for secp256r1. Supports mnemonic phrase of word length 12, 15, 18`, 21, 24
list List all keys by its Sui address, Base64 encoded public key, key scheme name in sui.keystore
load-keypair This reads the content at the provided file path. The accepted format can be [enum SuiKeyPair] (Base64 encoded of 33-byte `flag ||
privkey`) or `type AuthorityKeyPair` (Base64 encoded `privkey`). This prints out the account keypair as Base64 encoded `flag ||
privkey`, the network keypair, worker keypair, protocol keypair as Base64 encoded `privkey`
multi-sig-address To MultiSig Sui Address. Pass in a list of all public keys `flag || pk` in Base64. See `keytool list` for example public keys
multi-sig-combine-partial-sig Provides a list of participating signatures (`flag || sig || pk` encoded in Base64), threshold, a list of all public keys and a list of
their weights that define the MultiSig address. Returns a valid MultiSig signature and its sender address. The result can be used as
signature field for `sui client execute-signed-tx`. The sum of weights of all signatures must be >= the threshold
show Read the content at the provided file path. The accepted format can be [enum SuiKeyPair] (Base64 encoded of 33-byte `flag || privkey`)
or `type AuthorityKeyPair` (Base64 encoded `privkey`). It prints its Base64 encoded public key and the key scheme flag
sign Create signature using the private key for for the given address in sui keystore. Any signature commits to a [struct IntentMessage]
consisting of the Base64 encoded of the BCS serialized transaction bytes itself and its intent. If intent is absent, default will be
sign-kms Creates a signature by leveraging AWS KMS. Pass in a key-id to leverage Amazon KMS to sign a message and the base64 pubkey. Generate
PubKey from pem using MystenLabs/base64pemkey Any signature commits to a [struct IntentMessage] consisting of the Base64 encoded of the
BCS serialized transaction bytes itself and its intent. If intent is absent, default will be used
unpack This takes [enum SuiKeyPair] of Base64 encoded of 33-byte `flag || privkey`). It outputs the keypair into a file at the current
directory where the address is the filename, and prints out its Sui address, Base64 encoded public key, the key scheme, and the key
scheme flag
zk-login-sign-and-execute-tx Given the max_epoch, generate an OAuth url, ask user to paste the redirect with id_token, call salt server, then call the prover
server, create a test transaction, use the ephemeral key to sign and execute it by assembling to a serialized zkLogin signature
zk-login-enter-token A workaround to the above command because sometimes token pasting does not work. All the inputs required here are printed from the
command above
zk-login-sig-verify Given a zkLogin signature, parse it if valid. If tx_bytes provided, it verifies the zkLogin signature based on provider and its latest
JWK fetched. Example request: sui keytool zk-login-sig-verify --sig $SERIALIZED_ZKLOGIN_SIG --tx-bytes $TX_BYTES --provider Google
--curr-epoch 10
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

--keystore-path <KEYSTORE_PATH>
--json Return command outputs in json format
-h, --help Print help

JSON 格式输出

要将响应格式化为JSON而不是默认的Sui CLI输出,可以在命令后附加 --json 标志。例如,输出结果为极大的数据集,在较小的屏幕上可能会出现显示困难的问题。




使用 sui keytool list 命令可以读取所有存在于 ~/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore 文件中的密钥对信息。

$ sui keytool list
│ ╭─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ suiAddress │ 0x3047f142a84297a42a65fb0a8c7a716d9d1b0bd0413d6bfa5ddfec45df175235 │ │
│ │ publicBase64Key │ AHsXwcxaWNaNtCIIszwu7V2G6HO8aNM1598w/8y0zI5q │ │
│ │ keyScheme │ ed25519 │ │
│ │ flag │ 0 │ │
│ │ peerId │ 7b17c1cc5a58d68db42208b33c2eed5d86e873bc68d335e7df30ffccb4cc8e6a │ │
│ ╰─────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│ ╭─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ suiAddress │ 0x514692f08249c3e9957799ce29074695840422564bff85e424b56de462913e0d │ │
│ │ publicBase64Key │ AKJCGi8R8TslhYdO2OHIjI6rbr+to1eR+vlOjigLY6SX │ │
│ │ keyScheme │ ed25519 │ │
│ │ flag │ 0 │ │
│ │ peerId │ a2421a2f11f13b2585874ed8e1c88c8eab6ebfada35791faf94e8e280b63a497 │ │
│ ╰─────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │


当生成ed25519密钥对时,请使用 sui keytool generate ed25519 命令。对于其他方案,请参阅 sui keytool generate --help。密钥对文件将保存在当前目录中,其文件名将是地址。文件的内容是一个33字节的 flag || privkey 的Base64编码字符串。

$ sui keytool generate ed25519
│ suiAddress │ 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25 │
│ publicBase64Key │ AKTAGf9iv0JqeLXXlsr4PUzBXb9VY8lK7xiZMS50GSu6 │
│ keyScheme │ ed25519 │
│ flag │ 0
│ mnemonic │ cushion price ability recall payment embody kid media rude mosquito chalk broom │
│ peerId │ a4c019ff62bf426a78b5d796caf83d4cc15dbf5563c94aef1899312e74192bba │


使用 sui keytool show [filename] 命令来显示存储在文件中的密钥对数据。例如,之前的命令生成了一个名为 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25.key 的文件。

$ sui keytool show 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25.key
│ suiAddress │ 0x5d8aa70f17d9343813d3ba6a59ecf5e8a23ffb487938e860999a722989eaef25 │
│ publicBase64Key │ AC+AKTAGf9iv0JqeLXXlsr4PUzBXb9VY8lK7xiZMS50GSu6 │
│ keyScheme │ ed25519 │
│ flag │ 0
│ peerId │ a4c019ff62bf426a78b5d796caf83d4cc15dbf5563c94aef1899312e74192bba │


$ sui keytool sign --data AAABACBRRpLwgknD6ZV3mc4pB0aVhAQiVkv/heQktW3kYpE+DQEBAQABAAAwR/FCqEKXpCpl+wqMenFtnRsL0EE9a/pd3+xF3xdSNQEaEUeErlBmGWxz3Bh+9BZh2mzayodzsri7xIZNDHRA3wIAAAAAAAAAILsR2d1FIZ5+ADDYZtJ2e9CWlpAxsGd4Y2rZrjlyTUF1MEfxQqhCl6QqZfsKjHpxbZ0bC9BBPWv6Xd/sRd8XUjXoAwAAAAAAAICWmAAAAAAAAA== --address 0x3047f142a84297a42a65fb0a8c7a716d9d1b0bd0413d6bfa5ddfec45df175235

│ suiAddress │ 0x3047f142a84297a42a65fb0a8c7a716d9d1b0bd0413d6bfa5ddfec45df175235 │
│ rawTxData │ AAABACBRRpLwgknD6ZV3mc4pB0aVhAQiVkv/heQktW3kYpE+DQEBAQABAAAwR/FCqEKXpCpl+wqMenFtnRsL0EE9a/pd3+xF3xdSNQEaEUeErlBmGWxz3Bh+9BZh2mzayodzsri7xIZNDHRA3wIAAAAAAAAAILsR │
│ intent │ ╭─────────┬─────╮ │
│ │ │ scope │ 0 │ │
│ │ │ version │ 0 │ │
│ │ │ app_id │ 0 │ │
│ │ ╰─────────┴─────╯ │
│ rawIntentMsg │ AAAAAAABACBRRpLwgknD6ZV3mc4pB0aVhAQiVkv/heQktW3kYpE+DQEBAQABAAAwR/FCqEKXpCpl+wqMenFtnRsL0EE9a/pd3+xF3xdSNQEaEUeErlBmGWxz3Bh+9BZh2mzayodzsri7xIZNDHRA3wIAAAAAAAAA │
│ digest │ +B8Cbr16HfOVT50DoN/QF8HB0+oznm8KAYy8Rm+TQFo=
│ suiSignature │ ANucBEl9TIE0uv+w965DvOjlfDUll7NUtIpJgRhPc3D3y3EtZ4cvaNbm8i5pc7TNIov/qI0FhzIYf2J6PbqoNQ57F8HMWljWjbQiCLM8Lu1dhuhzvGjTNeffMP/MtMyOag==


每个命令都提供了帮助信息。例如,sui keytool sign --help 会显示以下提示:

$ sui keytool sign --help
Create signature using the private key for for the given address in sui keystore. Any signature commits to a [struct IntentMessage] consisting of the Base64 encoded of the BCS serialized
transaction bytes itself and its intent. If intent is absent, default will be used

Usage: sui keytool sign [OPTIONS] --address <ADDRESS> --data <DATA>

--address <ADDRESS>
--data <DATA>
--json Return command outputs in json format
--intent <INTENT>
-h, --help Print help