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  • 发行共享对象的可转让功能(例如,更改共享对象的'所有者'字段的TransferCap)
  • 拆分动态数据和静态数据(例如,NFT及其集合信息)
  • 在通用应用程序中避免不必要的类型链接(和见证要求)(LiquidityPool的LP代币)



module examples::lock_and_key {
use sui::object::{Self, ID, UID};
use sui::transfer;
use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};
use std::option::{Self, Option};

/// Lock is empty, nothing to take.
const ELockIsEmpty: u64 = 0;

/// Key does not match the Lock.
const EKeyMismatch: u64 = 1;

/// Lock already contains something.
const ELockIsFull: u64 = 2;

/// Lock that stores any content inside it.
struct Lock<T: store + key> has key {
id: UID,
locked: Option<T>

/// A key that is created with a Lock; is transferable
/// and contains all the needed information to open the Lock.
struct Key<phantom T: store + key> has key, store {
id: UID,
for: ID,

/// Returns an ID of a Lock for a given Key.
public fun key_for<T: store + key>(key: &Key<T>): ID {

/// Lock some content inside a shared object. A Key is created and is
/// sent to the transaction sender. For example, we could turn the
/// lock into a treasure chest by locking some `Coin<SUI>` inside.
/// Sender gets the `Key` to this `Lock`.
public fun create<T: store + key>(obj: T, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let id = object::new(ctx);
let for = object::uid_to_inner(&id);

transfer::share_object(Lock<T> {
locked: option::some(obj),

transfer::transfer(Key<T> {
id: object::new(ctx)
}, tx_context::sender(ctx));

/// Lock something inside a shared object using a Key. Aborts if
/// lock is not empty or if key doesn't match the lock.
public fun lock<T: store + key>(
obj: T,
lock: &mut Lock<T>,
key: &Key<T>,
) {
assert!(option::is_none(&lock.locked), ELockIsFull);
assert!(&key.for == object::borrow_id(lock), EKeyMismatch);

option::fill(&mut lock.locked, obj);

/// Unlock the Lock with a Key and access its contents.
/// Can only be called if both conditions are met:
/// - key matches the lock
/// - lock is not empty
public fun unlock<T: store + key>(
lock: &mut Lock<T>,
key: &Key<T>,
): T {
assert!(option::is_some(&lock.locked), ELockIsEmpty);
assert!(&key.for == object::borrow_id(lock), EKeyMismatch);

option::extract(&mut lock.locked)

/// Unlock the Lock and transfer its contents to the transaction sender.
public fun take<T: store + key>(
lock: &mut Lock<T>,
key: &Key<T>,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
transfer::public_transfer(unlock(lock, key), tx_context::sender(ctx))
