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一次性见证 (OTW) 是一种特殊类型,保证最多只有一个实例。它对于将某些操作限制为仅发生一次很有用(例如,创建一个代币)。在 Move 中,如果一个类型满足以下条件,则被视为 OTW:

  • 它的名称与其模块的名称相同,全部大写。
  • 它具有 drop 能力,且仅具有 drop 能力。
  • 它没有字段,或者只有一个 bool 字段。

此类型的唯一实例在包含它的包发布时传递给其模块的 init 函数。

要检查类型是否可以用作 OTW,请将其实例传递给 sui::types::is_one_time_witness

module examples::mycoin {

/// Name matches the module name
struct MYCOIN has drop {}

/// The instance is received as the first argument
fun init(witness: MYCOIN, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
/* ... */

以下示例说明了如何使用一次性见证 (OTW):

/// This example illustrates how One Time Witness works.
/// One Time Witness (OTW) is an instance of a type which is guaranteed to
/// be unique across the system. It has the following properties:
/// - created only in module initializer
/// - named after the module (uppercased)
/// - cannot be packed manually
/// - has a `drop` ability
module examples::one_time_witness_registry {
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use std::string::String;
use sui::transfer;

// This dependency allows us to check whether type
// is a one-time witness (OTW)
use sui::types;

/// For when someone tries to send a non OTW struct
const ENotOneTimeWitness: u64 = 0;

/// An object of this type will mark that there's a type,
/// and there can be only one record per type.
struct UniqueTypeRecord<phantom T> has key {
id: UID,
name: String

/// Expose a public function to allow registering new types with
/// custom names. With a `is_one_time_witness` call we make sure
/// that for a single `T` this function can be called only once.
public fun add_record<T: drop>(
witness: T,
name: String,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
// This call allows us to check whether type is an OTW;
assert!(types::is_one_time_witness(&witness), ENotOneTimeWitness);

// Share the record for the world to see. :)
transfer::share_object(UniqueTypeRecord<T> {
id: object::new(ctx),

/// Example of spawning an OTW.
module examples::my_otw {
use std::string;
use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
use examples::one_time_witness_registry as registry;

/// Type is named after the module but uppercased
struct MY_OTW has drop {}

/// To get it, use the first argument of the module initializer.
/// It is a full instance and not a reference type.
fun init(witness: MY_OTW, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
witness, // here it goes
string::utf8(b"My awesome record"),