本节介绍如何在 DeepBook 协议上构建和执行交易。
1. 创建池
在 DeepBook 中创建池时,我们需要指定 BaseAsset、QuoteAsset、tick_size 和 lot_size。我们还需要支付一个交易费用(以 SUI 代币计)来创建池。
在 Move 合约中调用 create_pool
/// Parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[registry]` Object ID refers to the pool registry
/// 1. `[tick_size]` Minimal Price Change Accuracy of this pool
/// 2. `[lot_size]` Minimal lot Change Accuracy of this pool
/// 3. `[coin]` Object ID of the sui coin, to pay fee for create pool (100 MIST sui charged)
/// Returns the AccountCap
public fun create_pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset, SUI>(
registry: &mut Registry,
tick_size: u64,
lot_size: u64,
coin: Coin<SUI>,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
调用 create_pool
的 Typescript SDK
* @description: Create pool for trading pair
* @param tickSize: Minimal Price Change Accuracy of this pool
* @param lotSize: Minimal Lot Change Accuracy of this pool
* @param token1: Full coin type(recommend) or coin name of the base asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param token2: Full coin type(recommend) of quote asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::usdt::USDT" for example
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId and registryId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public createPool(
tickSize: number,
lotSize: number,
token1: string,
token2: string,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): TransactionBlock {
const coinType1 = convertToTokenType(token1, this.records);
const coinType2 = convertToTokenType(token2, this.records);
// we have to split sui as a param into the code
const [coin] = overrides.txb.splitCoins(overrides.txb.gas, [overrides.txb.pure(200000000)]);
typeArguments: [coinType1, coinType2, '0x2::sui::SUI'],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::create_pool`,
arguments: [
return overrides.txb;
2. 创建订单
DeepBook 中有两种类型的订单,限价订单
和 市价订单
2.1 限价订单
2.1.1 限价订单类型
2.1.2 托管账户
在下限价订单之前,交易员需要拥有一个已存入资产的托管账户。交易员可以通过调用 create_account
来生成一个托管账户,并将获得一个授权其访问托管账户的 AccountCap 对象。请注意,AccountCap 对象将是托管账户的密钥,如果将此对象转移给其他人,新所有者将可以访问托管账户中的所有资金和订单。
在 Move 合约中调用 create_account
/// Parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[ctx]` Information about the current transaction.
/// Returns the AccountCap
public fun create_account(ctx: &mut TxContext): AccountCap {
调用 create_account
的 Typescript SDK
* @description: Create and Transfer custodian account to user
* @param currentAddress: current user address
* @param needsTransfer: if needs transfer the cap to user, default true, if false, which means we need to use the cap in the next transaction.
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
async createAccount(
currentAddress: string,
needsTransfer: boolean = true,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): Promise<TransactionBlock | TransactionArgument> {
let [cap] = overrides.txb.moveCall({
typeArguments: [],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::create_account`,
arguments: [],
if (!needsTransfer) {
return cap;
} else {
overrides.txb.transferObjects([cap], overrides.txb.pure(currentAddress));
return overrides.txb;
2.1.3 存入资产
在 Move 合约中存入基础资产的函数签名
/// Parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[pool]` Object ID refers to the pool containing the trading pair
/// 1. `[coin]` Object ID of the base asset coin
/// 2. `[account_cap]` Object ID of the account_cap authorizing the
/// accessilility to the escrow account
/// Returns none
public fun deposit_base<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
pool: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
coin: Coin<BaseAsset>,
account_cap: &AccountCap
调用 deposit_base
的 Typescript SDK
* @description: Deposit base asset into custodian account
* @param accountCap: Object id of Account Capacity under user address, created after invoking createAccount
* @param token1: Full coin type(recommend) or coin name of the base asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param token2: Full coin type(recommend) of quote asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::usdt::USDT" for example
* @param coin: Object id of coin to deposit
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public depositBase(
token1: string,
token2: string,
coin: string | TransactionArgument,
accountCap: string,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): TransactionBlock {
const tokenType1 = convertToTokenType(token1, this.records);
const tokenType2 = convertToTokenType(token2, this.records);
const poolInfo = getPoolInfoByRecords(tokenType1, tokenType2, this.records);
typeArguments: [tokenType1, tokenType2],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::deposit_base`,
arguments: [
typeof coin == 'string' ? overrides.txb.object(coin) : coin,
return overrides.txb;
在合约中调用 deposit_quote
/// Parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[pool]` Object ID refers to the pool containing the trading pair
/// 1. `[coin]` Object ID of the coin
/// 2. `[account_cap]` Object ID of the account_cap authorizing the
/// accessilility to the escrow account
/// Returns none
public fun deposit_quote<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
pool: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
coin: Coin<QuoteAsset>,
account_cap: &AccountCap
调用 deposit_quote
的 Typescript SDK
* @description: Deposit quote asset into custodian account
* @param accountCap: Object id of Account Capacity under user address, created after invoking createAccount
* @param token1: Full coin type(recommend) or coin name of the base asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param token2: Full coin type(recommend) of quote asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::usdt::USDT" for example
* @param coin: Object id of coin to deposit
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public depositQuote(
token1: string,
token2: string,
coin: string | TransactionArgument,
accountCap: string | TransactionArgument,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): TransactionBlock {
const tokenType1 = convertToTokenType(token1, this.records);
const tokenType2 = convertToTokenType(token2, this.records);
const poolInfo = getPoolInfoByRecords(tokenType1, tokenType2, this.records);
typeArguments: [tokenType1, tokenType2],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::deposit_quote`,
arguments: [
typeof coin == 'string' ? overrides.txb.object(coin) : coin,
typeof accountCap == 'string' ? overrides.txb.object(String(accountCap)) : accountCap,
return overrides.txb;
2.1.4 下限价订单
确保你拥有足够的基础/报价资产以进行交易的托管账户。现在,你可以使用以下函数在 DeepBook 上下限价订单:
在 Move 合约中下限价订单的函数签名
/// Parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[pool]` Object ID refers to the pool of the trading pair
/// 1. `[price]` Price of the placed limit order to sell or buy
/// 2. `[quantity]` Quantity of the base asset want to sell or buy
/// 3. `[is_bid]` Flag indicate sell base asset out or buy base asset in
/// 4. `[expire_timestamp]` Expire timestamp in ms in absolute value inclusive., if exceeded, order turn invalid
/// 5. `[restriction]` Object ID of the pool containing the trading pair
/// 6. `[clock]` Object ID of global system clock
/// 7. `[account_cap]` Object ID of the account_cap authorizing the
/// accessilility to the escrow account
/// 8. `[ctx]` Information about the current transaction.
/// Returns (base quantity filled, quote quantity filled, whether a maker order is being placed, order id of the maker order)
public fun place_limit_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
pool: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
price: u64,
quantity: u64,
is_bid: bool,
expire_timestamp: u64,
restriction: u8,
clock: &Clock,
account_cap: &AccountCap,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): (u64, u64, bool, u64)
调用 place_limit_order
的 Typescript SDK
* @description: place a limit order
* @param token1: Full coin type(recommend) of base asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param token2: Full coin type(recommend) of quote asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param price: price of the limit order
* @param quantity: quantity of the limit order in BASE ASSET.
* @param isBid: true for buying base with quote, false for selling base for quote
* @param expireTimestamp: expire timestamp of the limit order
* @param restriction restrictions on limit orders, explain in doc for more details
* @param accountCap: account cap for the limit order
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public placeLimitOrder(
token1: string,
token2: string,
price: number,
quantity: number,
isBid: boolean,
expireTimestamp: number,
restriction: number,
accountCap: string | TransactionArgument,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): TransactionBlock {
const tokenType1 = convertToTokenType(token1, this.records);
const tokenType2 = convertToTokenType(token2, this.records);
const poolInfo = getPoolInfoByRecords(tokenType1, tokenType2, this.records);
typeArguments: [tokenType1, tokenType2],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::place_limit_order`,
arguments: [
overrides.txb.pure(Math.floor(price * F)),
typeof accountCap == "string" ? overrides.txb.object(accountCap) : accountCap,
return overrides.txb;
2.2 下市价订单
在 Move 合约中下市价订单的函数签名:
/// Parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[pool]` Object ID refers to the pool of the trading pair
/// 1. `[quantity]` Quantity of the base asset usr want to buy or sell
/// 2. `[is_bid]` Flag indicates buy or sell, true for buy and false for sell
/// 3. `[base_coin]` Object id of base coin, can be zero balance
/// 4. `[quote_coin]` Object id of the quote coin, can be zero balance
/// 5. `[clock]` Object ID refers to global system clock
/// 6. `[ctx]` Information about the transaction currently being executed.
/// Returns the base asset coin and quote asset coin after transaction
public fun place_market_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
pool: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
quantity: u64,
is_bid: bool,
base_coin: Coin<BaseAsset>,
quote_coin: Coin<QuoteAsset>,
clock: &Clock,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
): (Coin<BaseAsset>, Coin<QuoteAsset>)
调用 place_market_order
的 Typescript SDK
* @description: place a market order
* @param tokenObjectIn: Object id of the token to buy or sell
* @param tokenOut: Full coin type(recommend) or coin name of the asset one want to get "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param amountIn: amount of token to buy or sell
* @param currentAddress: user address
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public async placeMarketOrder(
tokenObjectIn: string,
tokenOut: string,
amountIn: number,
currentAddress: string,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): Promise<TransactionBlock> {
// in this case, we assume that the tokenIn--tokenOut always exists.
const tokenTypeOut = convertToTokenType(tokenOut, this.records);
const tokenIn = overrides.txb.object(tokenObjectIn);
const tokenInfo = await this.provider.getObject({
id: tokenObjectIn,
options: {
showType: true,
const tokenTypeIn = tokenInfo.data.type.split('<')[1].split('>')[0];
let base_coin_ret, quote_coin_ret, amount;
const poolInfo: PoolInfo = getPoolInfoByRecords(tokenTypeIn, tokenTypeOut, this.records);
let _isBid, _tokenIn, _tokenOut, _amount;
if (!poolInfo.needChange) {
_isBid = false;
_tokenIn = tokenIn;
_tokenOut = this.mint(tokenTypeOut, 0, {txb: overrides.txb});
_amount = overrides.txb.object(String(amountIn));
} else {
_isBid = true;
// _tokenIn = this.mint(txb, nextPath, 0)
_tokenOut = tokenIn;
_amount = overrides.txb.object(String(amountIn));
if (_isBid) {
// here swap_exact_quote_for_base
[base_coin_ret, quote_coin_ret, amount] = overrides.txb.moveCall({
typeArguments: [
poolInfo.needChange ? tokenTypeOut : tokenTypeIn,
poolInfo.needChange ? tokenTypeIn : tokenTypeOut,
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::swap_exact_quote_for_base`,
arguments: [
} else {
// here swap_exact_base_for_quote
[base_coin_ret, quote_coin_ret, amount] = overrides.txb.moveCall({
typeArguments: [
poolInfo.needChange ? tokenTypeOut : tokenTypeIn,
poolInfo.needChange ? tokenTypeIn : tokenTypeOut,
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::swap_exact_base_for_quote`,
arguments: [
overrides.txb.transferObjects([base_coin_ret], overrides.txb.pure(currentAddress));
overrides.txb.transferObjects([quote_coin_ret], overrides.txb.pure(currentAddress));
return overrides.txb;
3. 取消订单
3.1 取消单个订单
取消放置在 CLOB 上的限价订单。如果 order_id 无效或订单不是由交易发送者提交的,则中止。
在 Move 合约中取消单个订单的函数签名。
/// parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[pool]` Object ID refers to the pool of the trading pair
/// 1. `[order_id]` Order ID of the placed limit order
/// 2. `[account_cap]` Object ID of the account_cap authorizing the
/// accessilility to the escrow account
/// Returns none
public fun cancel_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
pool: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
order_id: u64,
account_cap: &AccountCap
调用 cancel_order
的 Typescript SDK
* @description: cancel single order
* @param token1: Full coin type(recommend) of base asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param token2: Full coin type(recommend) of quote asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param orderId: Order id to cancel corresponding order
* @param accountCap: Object id of account capacity under usr address, created after invoking createAccount
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public async cancelOrder(
token1: string,
token2: string,
orderId: bigint,
accountCap: string,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): Promise<TransactionBlock> {
const tokenType1 = convertToTokenType(token1, this.records);
const tokenType2 = convertToTokenType(token2, this.records);
const poolInfo: PoolInfo = getPoolInfoByRecords(tokenType1, tokenType2, this.records);
typeArguments: [tokenType1, tokenType2],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::cancel_order`,
arguments: [
return overrides.txb;
3.2 取消所有订单
在 Move 合约中取消所有订单的函数签名。
/// parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[pool]` Object ID refers to the pool of the trading pair
/// 1. `[account_cap]` Object ID of the account_cap authorizing the
/// accessilility to the escrow account
/// Returns none
public fun cancel_all_orders<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
pool: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
account_cap: &AccountCap
取消所有订单的 Typescript SDK
* @description: Cancel all limit orders under a certain account capacity
* @param token1: Full coin type(recommend) of base asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param token2: Full coin type(recommend) of quote asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::usdt::USDT" for example
* @param accountCap: Object id of account capacity under usr address, created after invoking createAccount
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public async cancelAllOrders(
token1: string,
token2: string,
accountCap: string,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): Promise<TransactionBlock> {
const tokenType1 = convertToTokenType(token1, this.records);
const tokenType2 = convertToTokenType(token2, this.records);
const poolInfo: PoolInfo = getPoolInfoByRecords(tokenType1, tokenType2, this.records);
typeArguments: [token1, token2],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::cancel_all_orders`,
arguments: [overrides.txb.object(poolInfo.clob), overrides.txb.object(accountCap)],
return overrides.txb;
3.3 批量取消订单
取消多个限价订单以节省燃料成本。如果任何订单 id 无效或不是由发送方提交的,则中止。请注意,如果调用者具有相同价格级别的多个订单,并且具有相同价格的订单在向量中分组,则此函数甚至可以进一步降低燃料成本。
例如,如果我们有以下的 order_id 到价格映射,{0: 100., 1: 200., 2: 100., 3: 200.}。将 order_id 分组如 [0, 2, 1, 3] 将使其成为最节省燃料的方式。
/// parameters expected by this func
/// 0. `[pool]` Object ID refers to the pool containing the trading pair
/// 1. `[order_ids]` List of object ID of the pool containing the trading pair
/// 2. `[account_cap]` Object ID of the account_cap authorize the
/// accessilility to the escrow account
/// Returns none
public fun batch_cancel_order<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>(
pool: &mut Pool<BaseAsset, QuoteAsset>,
order_ids: vector<u64>,
account_cap: &AccountCap
取消所有订单的 Typescript SDK
* @description: batch cancel order
* @param token1: Full coin type(recommend) of base asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::wbtc::WBTC" for example
* @param token2: Full coin type(recommend) of quote asset "0x3d0d0ce17dcd3b40c2d839d96ce66871ffb40e1154a8dd99af72292b3d10d7fc::usdt::USDT" for example
* @param orderIds: Order ids to cancel corresponding orders
* @param accountCap: Object id of account capacity under usr address, created after invoking createAccount
* @param overrides: overriders for blockchain params. Like gas budget, transaction block and the provider, default we will set to the max gas budget, and create a new transaction block
* @notice: the packageId should be set in configs.json, if it is not set, the transaction will fail.
public async batchCancelOrder(
token1: string,
token2: string,
orderIds: Uint8Array,
accountCap: string,
overrides: Overrides = new Overrides(),
): Promise<TransactionBlock> {
const tokenType1 = convertToTokenType(token1, this.records);
const tokenType2 = convertToTokenType(token2, this.records);
const poolInfo: PoolInfo = getPoolInfoByRecords(tokenType1, tokenType2, this.records);
typeArguments: [tokenType1, tokenType2],
target: `${this.configs.swapPackageId}::clob::batch_cancel_order`,
arguments: [
return overrides.txb;